Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013

Video machen leichgemacht mit EasyVideoSuite

Tun sie sich schwer bei der erstellen von Video‘s?

Mit EasyVideosuite erstellen sie schnell und einfach die Coolsten Video. Sie werden mit dieser  Software zum Experten und erstellen in Handumdrehen die besten Videos.

Sie gestalten ganz schnell und einfach die tollsten Verkaufsseite und so erzielen sie höher Umsätze.

Egal ob sie ein Unternehmen, Freiberufler oder Affiliate Marketer sind, mit EasyVideosuite steigen sie ihre Einnahmen.

Jetzt Zugang sichern

EasyVideoSuite » Build your lists faster than ever, attract an audience and quickly profit from video.. the easy way!

Video Marketing Software
Easy Video Suite
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Gleichzeitiger Onlinevideo-Upload und Distribution mit Analyse und Auswertung von Videostatistiken zum Videomarketing.

  Kostenlose Basisversion: 1 Video Upload - 60 Videoportale. Videouploader mit Statistiken für Videomarketing seit 2007.

Samstag, 23. Februar 2013

I search for Motivated People Pure Leverage Get In Early!

I'm looking For Positive, Motivated People Who Want To Earn 5 Figures Per Month & You Don't Have To Be Some 'Guru' Or Have A Giant List

I just got the inside scoop on something NEW and very exciting
for the Internet marketing world.

Get paid 100% commissions!

PureLeverage is a New Marketing Tools Buster, where everything
that you need to explode your business, will be found all under
one amazing account saving you truck loads of money.

Can you imagine one simple login for everything!

Such as YOUR:

  • complete auto responder system (the money is in your list)
  • complete video email service
  • complete blogging and leads generation system
  • complete webinar service
  • complete video producing and video storage platform

And so much more, for a crazy low monthly fee!

PureLeverage HAS NOT YET launched, and many are getting on
board now. Positioning themselves, as timing is everything
when it comes to huge financial gain and opportunity.

  • Collect 100% in residual commissions.
  • Collect 50% of your total referrals, sales.

Let's say the 5 people you bring into PureLeverage, their
combined sales total $5000. YOU will collect 50% of this-
$2500. On top of your regular commissions earned.

Real products, real services, that are backed by a 12 year
old company!

PureLeverage will save you money, and will explode your bank
account with the huge profits that you can generate from this
NEW robust system.

Click below to check it all out! You will be glad that you

How to be a top affiliate... for Vegas Hotels?! (Huh??)

I've heard of all kinds of different ways to
be an affiliate and make a great living online...

But this just tops it all:


How would you like to have your own successful
online business from home...

... by being a top-notch affiliate for Las vegas

No joke. 

Imagine this...

You get your own highly professional looking
website already created for you.

You don't need to hire a staff or create any
products of your own.

And all you do is get some traffic to your
pre-created website (which is super easy to do
once you see how)...

And each time someone books a hotel on the
Vegas strip from YOUR site...


You make a commission!

Watch this crazy video my friend Troy made that
shows you exactly how you can get started tonight:


(Oh and check out his $100,000 car he drives
around by doing exactly this business.)

Now why Las Vegas hotels instead of say...
info products, supplements, or travel packages?

Well consider this...

Over 40 MILLION people come to Vegas every year
and book hotels.

And the amount of money that's spent on and made
by these hotels is ENORMOUS (often BILLIONS of

So they don't mind giving you a cut.

And currently...
Hardly ANYONE is trying to be an affiliate for

Majority of people have NO clue that these 5-star
Casino Hotels even have an affiliate program.

So competition is next to nil for you.

And the guys offering this program have made deals
with every major hotel in Las Vegas...

Which means you get to offer HUGE benefits (discounts)
to the people that come to YOUR site.

Could there be a better, faster and more FUN
and LUXURIOUS way to quit your job this year?
Probably not.

And getting started is super easy:


Retire in style and wild fun!

P.S. You'll never have to "sell" anything yourself.
Not only do you get your own website, but you
also get an award winning sales and marketing <br />
team to do all the heavy lifting for you.


Pure Leverage | $1 To Start Your Online…

Finally a dynamic powerful tools suite that pays YOU
100% in residual commissions!

  • Does Aweber pay you for your mailing?
  • Does Amazon pay you for your videos, and video storage?
  • Does GoTo Meeting  or Web Ex pay you for your webinars?


Do they pay you for any clients that you send there way?
(YEP like 10%...would you rather not get 100%)?


Just by you simply using their services you
are sending them clients and not getting paid for it!


It's powerful profit pulling tools suite will ignite any
online business model and will save you hundreds of dollars
per month. Giving you the leading edge over any competition.


This is just some of the powerful Tools you will find in
the PureLeverage tools suite:
  • complete auto responder system (with perfect inbox deliverability)
  • complete video email service
  • complete blogging and lead generation system
  • complete webinar service
  • complete video producing and video storage platform
and so much more all under one powerful marketing account!

Does PureLeverage pay?

YES! 100% commissions!

Check it out now:


You will want to take immediate action on this serious money
making GIANT!

Click below for a quick compensation plan overview and see
just how easy you can be in instant profit!


Aquaponics System


Pure Leverage build your list and collect 100% commissions!

Please check out this NEW and EXCITING "Instant Reseller"
program! Loaded with true internet based products that
pays you and your team 100% in residual commissions!

Plus they have a 300% commission quick start bonus program.


Look at these amazing and powerful Marketing Tools you get
to resell...
  • A professional auto responder service, better than aweber or getresponse!
  • An amazing video email service
  • A conference room, similar to GoTomeeting
Plus so much more...


And the company is paying out 100% commissions on all
product sales!

Check it out now, as the quicker you get started the sooner
you can be in immediate profit with your team!

Check out this life changing offer now!


Montag, 18. Februar 2013

[Change your Life] & make Money Online with 100% Commissions!

If you are looking at the pure leverage system then first visit this link and try it out. You will get access to our membership site and also get free training from us each week.

We are very excited to be a part of this amazing system launch by GVO. The tools and everything that comes with it is everything that you could possible need to build your business from home. We would love nothing more than to have you join with us and our family and that's why we are offering our training to you for free.

Also, in the video you may have noticed that we also create systems to help you grow your business quickly while you are learning the ropes. That is key because without someone there helping you, it can be very difficult in the beginning.

We are continually looking for the latest tactics and information in online marketing. Once we have tested something new and find that it works, we immediately share it with ONLY our team. You are truly getting inside information that less than 1% of online marketers have access to.

Combine all of what I've just mentioned with the pure leverage system and you have a truly life changing opportunity in front of you right now. The question is whether you will seize the moment or not. We certainly hope that you do and welcome you with open arms.

Once you are on the team you will be invited to our weekly trainings and we hope to see you there very soon.

Colleges That Change Lives

Das kleine Pinterest 1x1 [Kindle Edition]

Pinterest erhält mehr Traffic als die Großen Social Media Seiten.

Das kleine Pinterest 1x1 [Kindle Edition]
Heinz Petautschnig (Autor)
Verlag: ECOM Akademie

Pinterest ist eines der schnellst wachsendes Sozial Medien Portal, dass sehr viel Traffic auf ihre Webseite erzeugt.

Pinterest ist sehr beliebt bei Frauen die ihre Wohnung einrichten, modische Kleider, Blumen Gestecke und ihre Lieblings Schuhe posten, und ihre Kreativität mit Bildern auf Pinterest teilen.

Aber auch Männer posten ihre Leidenschaften wie Traum Autos, Outdoor Aktivitäten, Sportfotos und vieles mehr.

E-Commerce Unternehmen wie Zalando posten ihre Artikel auf Pinterest und bekommen so sehr viele Interessenten auf ihre Seite.
Pinterest ist Mobil.

Verkäufe die über Pinterest getätigt werden, sie laut Statistik die meisten aller Sozial Medien Portale wie Facebook, Twitter und Co.

Pinterest macht Spaß, bringt Ideen zusammen und was das Beste ist, viele Leute auf ihre Webseite, da jedes Bild mit ihrer Webseite verknüpft wird.
Statistiken zeigen wie schnell das Wachstum von Pinterest ist und auch am deutschen Markt wächst Pinterest immer schneller.

Seit es Pinterest auf Deutsch gibt, ist es für Networker die im Internet Geld verdienen sehr interessant, da es noch wenige Pinnwände auf Deutsch gibt und bestimmte Schlüsselwörter nicht besetzt sind.

Lernen sie in dieser Anleitung wie sie mit Pinterest Traffic auf ihre Seite bekommen und so viele Verkäufe generieren.

Ich habe das Skriptum so erstellt das sie sich Schritt für Schritt mit Pinterest vertraut machen und so schnell wie möglich ihre Pinterest Strategie umsetzen können.

In diesen Sinne viel Spaß beim durch arbeiten dieser Lektüre

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Mehr Traffic durch kostenlose Pressemitteilungen

Der Aufbau von Besucherströmen war bislang immer mit viel Zeit- und Kostenaufwand verbunden. Wer seine Botschaft im Internet verbreiten will, musste immer erst mühsam bei verschiedensten Social-Media-Seiten und Presseportalen einen Account erstellen und dann manuell auf jedem einzelnen Portal die eigene Pressemitteilung hochladen. Dies kann für nur eine einzelne Pressemeldung schnell mehrere Stunden in Anspruch nehmen.

Doch diese Mühen gehören nun der Vergangenheit an. Mit dem Presseverteiler können Sie Ihre Pressemitteilung auf über 40 Presseportalen, Social-Media- (Twitter, Facebook etc.) und Social-News-Seiten (Webnews, Yigg etc.) mit ein paar Klicks verteilen.

Innerhalb weniger Minuten wird Ihre Meldung in den Google-Index aufgenommen und im Internet verbreitet. Dadurch können Sie innerhalb kurzer Zeit beachtliche Besucherströme mit potentiellen Kunden zu Ihrem Produkt aufbauen und gleichzeitig viel Zeit einsparen. ermöglicht sogar die zeitgesteuerte Aussendung Ihrer Pressemitteilung an alle angeschlossenen Portale.

Sie stellen einfach das gewünschte Versanddatum ein und automatisiert den Versand.

Fazit: Mit kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen. Wo hat man sonst schon die Gelegenheit in kurzer Zeit die eigene Pressemitteilung auf über 40 Webseiten zu verbreiten, sofort Besucherströme zu generieren und potentielle Kunden anzusprechen?

Klicken Sie hier, um kostenlos zu testen: